*************************************** fuss-12-amd64-live Changelog *************************************** 20240330 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-education-20240330.iso`` ``fuss-12-amd64-live-base-20240330.iso`` * Created new iso images: - education: iso containing all FUSS education packages (old "full" iso) - base: iso without FUSS education packages (old "lite" iso) 20240324 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-20240324.iso`` * Updated kernel (6.1.76-1) and packages. * Added new packages to fuss-software metapackages: - minder - openjdk-17-jdk - musescore4 - balena-etcher - keepassxc - onboard 20231128 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-20231128.iso`` * Updated kernel (6.1.55-1) and packages. * Added new packages to fuss-software metapackages: - ardour - mkvtoolnix - thunderbird + l10n packages for en, de, it, fr and es - cryptomator - tldr 20230801 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-20230801.iso`` * New release after announce of first update of Debian 12 (point release 12.1). Several package updates and correction of security issues (see https://www.debian.org/News/2023/20230722). Kernel is now 6.1.38-2. Packages *ibus* and *uim* had to be explicitly removed in this FUSS 12 iso: They were not present in the first Debian release and were re-introduced in this new point release. 20230728 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-20230728.iso`` * Updated release. There will be only this .iso image with all educational packages installed. The lite-image won't be created anymore. 20230614 -------- ``fuss-12-amd64-live-full-20230614.iso`` * Initial release based on Debian 12 "bookworm" with default 6.1.27-1 kernel.