**************************** cloud-init Image Changelog **************************** 2024-05-03 ---------- ``2024-05-03/vzdump-qemu-106-2024_05_03-15_56_19.vma.zst`` * Updated to current Debian 12 "bookworm" 2023-06-14 ---------- ``2023-06-14/vzdump-qemu-106-2023_06_05-16_06_42.vma.zst`` * Updated to current Debian 12 "bookworm" 2021-05-03 ---------- ``2021-05-03/vzdump-qemu-106-2021_05_03-18_05_08.vma.zst`` * Updated to current Debian Buster (10.9) packages * Configured GRUB to get traditional names for network interfaces * Cleaned /etc/network/interface from spurios config 2020-12-03 ---------- ``2020-12-03/vzdump-qemu-103-2020_12_01-19_07_39.vma.zst`` * Updated to current debian buster packages * Installed quotatool * Configured bind9 to only use IPv4